Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month, and the students in Mrs. Kim Kefalas’s 3rd grade class know how important that is since their teacher is a stage 3 breast cancer survivor. When the children started seeing pink everywhere, Mrs. Kefalas explained why. The class started wearing pink to school on Friday and calling it “Pink Friday”, but they wanted to help in other ways.
On October 14th Mrs. Kim Kefalas informed the class of an organization called Girls Love Mail. Girls Love Mail is a charity that collects hand-written letters of encouragement, bundles them, and sends them, via the caring staff at cancer centers and programs, to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Girls Love Mail was founded in 2011 by Gina Mulligan, a 47- year-old novelist from Folsom, California, who waged her own fight with breast cancer. The organization was recognized on the Today show in June and also in People Magazine.
Once hearing about the purpose of the organization, the 3rd grade students got right to work making handmade cards with the hope of brightening someone’s day. Students were overheard saying, “I hope she likes mine.” The messages were very sweet and uplifting and included things like, “You are beautiful and I hope you get better soon.”
These letters will be mailed upon completion and a thank you letter will be sent from the organization which will be proudly displayed in the classroom.