(above, l-r) The family of Anthony Steitz: Glen Steitz, Gary Steitz, Emily Steitz, Maria Steitz, and Thomas Lombardi, Commander VFW Post 6259.
Berkeley Heights Veteran’s Day Remembrance 2019
The Township of Berkeley Heights held a Veterans Day ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2019 at Veterans Memorial Park. Following the ceremony guests were invited to the VFW for a breakfast and an ‘Eleventh Hour Service’ to commemorate the armistice signing, which ended the Allies fighting in WWI on November 11, 1918.

(above) Anthony Steitz
The Union High School Jr ROTC once again participated as the color guard for the ceremony.
This year, the late Anthony Steitz was honored. Antony was killed in an auto accident last year. He was a student at Union High School and Jr ROTC caddete who regularly participated at Berkeley Heights veteran ceremonies.
The Steitz family were presented with a plaque which stated in part:
In memory of Cadet Captain (P) – Anthony P. Steitz January 2, 2002 – April 20, 2019
This future leader and outstanding JROTC cadet is a credit to his family, Union High School Corps of Cadets, and the United States of America.
He was greatly admired by his subordinates, peers, and adult leadership for all he did and will be missed by all who came to know him for the superb individual he was.