Battle Hill Elementary School:Autism Awareness

(above) Battle Hill School inside of the giant puzzle piece on Bubbles Day.

Bubbles 4 Autism at Battle Hill Elementary School

April is designated as National Autism Awareness Month. It is a time to not only educate the community about autism, but to promote inclusion and acceptance about the disorder in the classroom and beyond.

Battle Hill Elementary School, in Union Township, recognized the event on Monday, April 29, 2019. Known as Bubbles Day, all Battle Hill students and staff gathered in the playground and blew bubbles at 2:00 p.m. The purpose of Bubbles Day is to help children with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) burst out of their bubble of isolation and raise awareness and understanding of autism in the community. Details about the event are available on their website at:

In addition to school principal, Mark Hoyt, teachers and students, the event was attended by: Nancy Minneci, Board of Education President; Latesha Jenkins, Supervisor of Special Services; Akua Boakye, Personnel Manager and PR Coordinator; Theresa Matthews, Elementary Supervisor; Kara West, parent and SEPAG School Liaison; as well as Edwin Oyola, UHS Career Education Teacher.

Prior to and during the event, staff and Student Council members assisted in collecting donations. The staff participated in a $10 dress down week and a portion of the “Kindness” t-shirt sales was added to the donation. This year the school came together inside of the giant puzzle piece painted on the playground by Alison Brehm and Jessica Mongiovi, Student Council Advisors, and event coordinators: Sarah Norman, Art Teacher; Ingrid Soares, School Councelor; Laura Finnerty, School Secretary; and Anita Laverty, PTA Treasurer.

Donations to Faces 4 Autism totaled $851.

Submitted by Written by Alison Brehm and Jessica Mongiovi

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