Author: JoeRenna

Connecting Generations

The Mountainside seniors recently enjoyed another installment of  ‘Connecting Generations’ which is an ongoing program held in the Community Room at Brough Hall. Children and seniors came together to do a craft and play BINGO.

“Tired of Turkey” fundraiser

On Thursday, November 29th, 2018,  the Education Foundation of Garwood (EFG) held a very successful “Tired of Turkey” fundraiser. The event was well attended and a total of $450 was raised through a contribution of 15% of patrons’ checks at

Township of Union Education Foundation

Four months of the 2018-2019 school year have passed and the students in the Union Public Schools are benefiting from grants awarded to teachers by the Township of Union Education Foundation. Greg Pardo, Connecticut Farms School, was awarded a grant

What are CATSS doing in the Summit Free Public Library?

Submitted by Judith Knott Do we allow CATSS to roam in the library?  If you’re a teen in Summit, then chances are you already know the answer—it’s yes, the more the merrier!  No, we’re not running an animal shelter and
