Arthur L. Johnson High School students visit Spain

ALJ Students Visit Spain

Clark Public Schools 

Arthur L. Johnson High School students and 6 adults had the opportunity of a liftetime to visit Spain during their Spring Break. Students visited Barcelona, Zaragoza, Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Granada, and Costa Del Sol. ALJ History Teacher Fredy Reyes organizes the trip each year. This is his sixth trip which provides students a chance to learn about culture and explore history.

The students first stopped in Barcelona. The highlight of the Barcelona visit was La Sagrada Familia (Church of the Holy Family). The group then headed to Madrid via Zaragoza where they saw Basilica of the Virgin of Pilar in Zaragoza and the Royal Palace in Madrid among many other places. In Toledo, students began their visit at Toledo Cathedral exploring the city fully. Leaving Toledo, students boarded a high speed train to Seville where began their stay in Toledo with stops at Plaza de España, the Giralda Tower, and Casa de Pilatos. To end the trip, travelers headed south to Granada and Costa Del Sol. Students visited the Alhambra gardens, the Summer Palace, The Medina, Royal Arab Baths, and the Alcazaba fortress, among many other destinations! 

Reyes stated, “The trip was absolutely amazing. Most of the students did not know what to expect, but were very impressed with all the locations. They absolutely loved the beach day at Costa Del Sol.” Next year’s trip has been announced which is Southern France and Italy!

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