Submitted by Judy Doran
It was 1948. Small town American was getting back to normal after World War 11 when Ann Ferko got together with 13 women and organized the Clark American Legion Auxiliary Unit #328. They met in the old firehouse on Central Avenue. That building was later moved to Westfield Avenue and became part of the current Post Home on Liberty St. and Westfield Avenue. At times meetings were held in the Abraham Clark School. Mrs. Ferko remembered the first tea which included Ruth Evans and Kate Shapiro: “we served sandwiches, potato chips, whatever we had and shared with one another.”
And so their mission started: to serve the valiant men and women who gave their lives in the service of the country, to help the men and women who were physically disabled, to support those still fighting and welcome home all. Historian Ann Krov on the Unit’s fiftieth anniversary wrote about sending packages with a copy of the Clark Patriot to Clark men serving in Vietnam including John Winters, son of former councilman Winters.
Since 1948, many women served as President of the Clark ALA including Alex Rudnicki, Irene Bott, Laura Philipone, Shirley Frofchauer, and Tammi Angelo. These women continued their mission and grew their membership to 65 women who today serve the men and women of the Armed Forces and all Veterans. They distribute Poppies in May, National Poppy Month, to heighten awareness of veterans and their needs. The Poppy, a small red flower that grew in the battlefields of France and Belgium during World War 1, is a symbol of the sacrifice servicemen and women make for their country. The organized spaghetti dinners, yard sales, and raffles. These women hand sewed large quilts to raffle and raise money for Veterans. The Auxiliary also assisted the American Legion with their children’s Christmas parties, Past Commander’s picnics, St. Patrick’s Day Dinners and Steak Nights.
The ALA women travel to Lyons Veterans Hospital every year to sponsor a pizza and craft night with the women veterans there. Veterans of Menlo Park State Veterans Home are invited to a BBQ at the Post and gifts are delivered to Menlo Park to Veterans of Clark who reside there or others. Every year the Clark ALA sends two high school girls to NJ Girls State, a program that teaches girls how local, state and federal governments work. At Girls State participants nominate, campaign, and elect government officials based on their party platforms. It’s a great way to learn how our government works while meeting girls from all over the state of New Jersey, and having fun.
The American Legion Auxiliary is a service organization dedicated to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military and their families both home and abroad. The American Legion Auxiliary Clark Post Unit 328 actively works to advocate for our veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security. As the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization the (local) unit is where the grassroots work of the Auxiliary takes place. Clark Unit 328 is located at 78 Westfield Avenue, Clark. The unit works out of American Legion Post 328. There are more than 8,000 units worldwide. Their work continues as long as our servicemen and women are deployed around the world.
“Proud of who we are, what we do and where we are going.”

(above) President Tammi Angelo leads auxiliary members in the Memorial Day Parade. Also pictured are Margaret Alego and Jody Burns carrying Unit 328 banner.