Adam Duggan from Troop 129 earns rank of Eagle Scout

(above) Adam Duggan with his proud parents.

Adam Duggan earns rank of Eagle Scout

Green Brook BSA Troop 129

Adam Duggan earned the rank of Eagle Scout on May 1, 2023, from Green Brook BSA Troop 129 and formally Dunellen BSA Troop 29. Adam is an extraordinary person who “strives to advance my knowledge through scouting in general meetings and participating in as many events as possible to improve myself and then pass on my knowledge to the younger scouts.” 

Adam started in Cub Scouts as a Tiger (1st Grade) and continued his path to Eagle Scout just before graduating from Dunellen High School in June. One of Adam’s earliest memories was being encouraged by an older scout while kayaking and listening to this boy’s own journey toward Eagle which pushed Adam to want this for himself. Adam led by example and had leadership roles of Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, and Troop Guide excelling as a teacher to the younger scouts.  

(above) Adam’s Eagle Scout Project was to install flags on all Dunellen fire hydrants, which was around 140 flags. These flags allow the fire department and residents to determine the hydrants’ locations during snowstorms.

When it was time for Adam to decide on an Eagle Scout Project he wanted to give back to his hometown of Dunellen, he decided he would install flags on all the town fire hydrants, which was around 140 flags. These flags will allow the fire department and residents to determine the hydrants’ locations during snowstorms, this also included a large amount of map work. While this project was challenging enough, Adam had to deal with Covid restrictions, a new Troop that he had moved to, and then the Dunellen Fire Department burned down.  Adam persevered through it all and accomplished his goal.

Adam is quite the overachiever, all the while completing his scouting work, he also maintained his studies at school being on the honor roll, lettering in Track in Field, earning his 2nd-degree black belt in Taekwondo, and is also a Taekwondo instructor. He earned Outstanding Achievement in Spanish Language, Thespian Society, and Community Service Award. Adam excelled in the Arts, including Concert Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band, Drama Club, and Chess Club, all while being involved in his religion at St John the Evangelist Church. 

Adam is preparing to head off to Rider University this fall to pursue his studies in Education and History with plans of being a middle or high school history teacher. 

Courtesy photos

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