A Great Day in Scouting!

Pack 32 News

Submitted by John Regina

November 21, 2020 was a great day in Scouting.

We had our second pack meeting at the Watchung Reservation. It was a great day for a hike, with perfect weather and a decent turnout. Many of us were reminded of what Scouting is all about.

Our pack broke up into 2 separate hikes, a short hike for younger scouts and a longer hike for older scouts. As we walked through the woods it was nice to see the scouts and their peers talking and having a good time as well as the parents. When we got about three quarters through our hike, we had to cross a stream to get back on the trail to the pavilion. The only way across was to walk over on a fallen tree. The group was able to make it across with everyone helping each other out. It was challenging but we managed to get across with only a few wet sneakers.

There were two gentlemen behind us taking the same path. One of the two gentlemen was an elderly man, and we noticed he was having trouble balancing himself on the tree. A few of the parents retreated towards the man to assist him but he slipped and fell into the water. At this point we all retreated back to assist him. Parents and scouts looked for alternate routes, gathered walking sticks and gathered around both sides of the shore line to find a solution to help this man across. We eventually got him across by walking alongside him on the fallen tree. When we got to the other side the man sat down and was so thankful for everyone helping him. We were all thinking the same thing, and then one of the parents said it: “This is what Scouting is all about!”

I am so proud of our pack and glad we were able to come together as a team to help someone in need. These are the types of life experiences that I want my children to experience and this is why I believe in the scouting program. I know that my children will remember this day in a positive way.

As I mentioned in our meeting, we really need more parent leadership in our pack if this program is to continue. I know it’s been a crazy year, everyone is busy, and it seems with the recent spike in covid, it will certainly be a long winter. But I’m optimistic that better days are ahead and I look forward to more great days like this one. I encourage parents to please help with the scouting program and try to attend our next committee meeting to discuss leadership roles.

Please email us for upcoming dates: pack32chair@gmail.com

(above) Pack 32 cub scouts during a hike at Watchung reservation.
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