Submitted by: Master Dunn’s Black Belt ladies
Kenilworth has been home to Karate World for over 25 years . Mast er Jeffrey Dunn, his Instructors, students and friends came together in N ovember of 20 16 t o celebra te that Silver Anniversary! It was a very special event indeed because s o many of his longtime s tudents and friends came from near and far in a show of love, dedication and respect for a man that had such a positive impact o n this commun ity and on th e individuals and many fa milies desiring to learn martial arts.
Karate World also held a Black Belt test at this celebration . If you know a nything about this special man, he sets big goals, dreams very big and that spirit and desire to grow and share in the martial arts has never wavered. Speaking of those dre ams, Master Dunn has recently created his own competition team called, Team Tradition and on Saturd ay April 29 th of this yea r, this t eam competed in i ts fir st AAU tourn ament and did very well. Back at K ara te World, we we re all excited to hear just how well, Te am Tradition M em bers did o n the ir de but of the t ournament circuit. While at this event, Master Dunn was honored by receiving The Lifetime Achievement Award in his long time support for fostering the growth of the Amateur Sport of Taekwondo and of h is loyalty to the Amate ur Athletic Union Taekwondo’s National Program! The award was presented to Master Dunn by Master Kevin Balon 7th Degreee Black Belt and Director for the New Jersey AAU Taekwondo Program.
All of his longt ime students could n’t agre e more that Master Dunn indeed is committed to excellence and we are so thrilled tha t he was honored with this recognition! Way to go Master Dunn and congratulations Sir.