Memorial Day Parade

On May 29th, the Annual Memorial Day Parade will begin at 1:30 pm. Participating groups should line up at 1 p.m. on Main St. and Milton Ave. in front of Rahway City Hall. The parade will proceed west on Milton Ave., right on Pierpont St, right on Elm Ave., left on Irving St then right on Elizabeth Ave., then right onto Main St. where the parade will pass the reviewing stand at Rahway City Hall and disperse.
Marching in the parade will be the Mayor and members of the Rahway City Council and Rahway Veterans from American Legion Post 5 and Post 499 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 681, Catholic War Veterans Post 361 and the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 779. Also, the Rahway Police and Rahway Firefighters.
Other groups in the parade will be the Rahway High School Marine Junior ROTC, the Rahway High School Marching Band, the Rahway Academy Band, the Elementary School Band, the Central Jersey Police and Fire Pfife and Drum Corps., Rahway Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and other Civic Organizations.

(right) Photos from the 2015 Memorial Day Parade can be found on

(right) Photos from the 2015 Memorial Day Parade can be found on