Rahway Girl Scouts Honor Our Troops

(above) Flag planting at the Rahway Cemetery with GS Troops 41748, 41133, 41128, 40275, 41104, and 41182.

Rahway Girl Scouts Honor Our Troops

Submitted by Robyn E. Koenig

On May 18th, during a beautiful morning, the Girl Scout troops of Rahway met in the Rahway Cemetery to do their annual Flag planting; a tradition that has been happening for over 20 years. The girls, their leaders, and members of the girls’ families, volunteered to plant flags at the many gravesites of fallen soldiers and those who served in the Armed forces. The soldiers were honored each with their own flag placed at their headstone or footstone. The volunteers were there for 2 hours and planted almost 600 flags on grave for soldiers who fought in wars as early as the Revolutionary War. The girls learned about the soldiers as they walked through the cemetery looking at all the dates in history. They look forward to doing it again next year.  

On May 26th, the Rahway Girl Scouts participated in the Memorial Day Parade starting in downtown Rahway. They walked the mile plus route and handed out sweet treats to the spectators. They carried signs and walked behind the Honorary GS Jeep, complete with Rahway Girl Scout Flag on its hood. The girls were such great sports about the whole walk and they look forward to next year.

Courtesy photos

(above) The Rahway Memorial Day Parade, GS Troops 41748, 41133, 41128, 40275, 41104, and 41182.
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