Cranford Public Library October 2023
Tech for Seniors 1:1 Appointments–Mondays and Tuesdays, starting at 1pm
Register for a 15-minute tech help appointment with a librarian. Please register for only 1 time slot per week. Visit our website or contact the library to register. Appointments will be Mondays and Tuesdays 1-2:30pm. This program is co-sponsored by the Cranford Public Library and the Cranford Community Center.
Movie Night–Wednesday, October 4, at 7pm
Movies are back! Join us the first Wednesday of the month for a screening of a recently released DVD! Please visit our website or contact the library for film titles.
Adult Crafts
Join us Tuesday, October 10, at 7pm for Adults Create! Join us on Friday, October 13, at 11amfor a morning craft. Please visit our website or contact the library to register. Stop by the Library on Wednesday, October 18, starting at 10am to pick up our Grab & Go craft kit while supplies last. Adult craft programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Cranford Public Library.
Cranford Scribes–Wednesday, October 11, at 7pm
Are you a local writer? Join the Cranford Scribes, a monthly group where local writers come together to write, bounce around ideas, share feedback, and connect. This program is in collaboration with and presented by the Cranford Scribes. Please follow the link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdh4rE7heztWl7o4JgaBKDsGoj7hcVXV6Xy7blYc763WacJ6Q/viewform
Invasive Species Threats, Identification and Control–Wednesday, October 11, at 7pm
Presenter Michael Van Clef, Ph.D., Program Director of the New Jersey Invasive SpeciesStrike Team, will discuss the Strike Team’s work to eradicate invasive species for the protection and conservation of rare species, including plants and wildlife. He will also discuss the problems that invasives cause in the ecosystem and their impacts in natural areas, while also providing information on how to identify and control invasive species. Lastly, Dr. Van Clef will discuss the creation of stewardship plans designed to most effectively and efficiently treat invasive species to protect biodiversity.
This free program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library, registration is required and can be done online: www.eventbrite.com/e/invasive-species-threats-identification-and-control-tickets-668204225827?aff=oddtdtcreator
International Film–Monday, October 16, at 2pm and 7pm
International films are back! Join us for an International film screening. The same film will be shown at 2pm and 7pm. Please contact the library for the film title.
Theater Project–Saturday, October 21, at 2pm
The Friends of the Cranford Public Library invite everyone to attend a live theatrical performance -back in person! New Jersey’s own Theater Project will present a reading of an original short play. The reading will be followed by a question and answer session with the audience, director, playwright and cast. Funds benefiting the Theater Project have been provided by the Union County HEART Grant and the Friends of the Cranford Public Library. No registration needed!
Readers Forum–Monday, October 23, at 7pm
All are welcome at the Readers Forum Book Discussion Group! This month’s book isOrdinary Grace by William Kent Krueger.
Literary Cafe–Saturday, October 28, at 10:15am
Literary Café is a book chat program. The format is simple: Bring a few of your recent favorite books and tell the other members of the group what you like about them. If you don’t have a copy of the book you want to talk about, that’s okay, too. The books can be new or old, fiction or non-fiction, classic or contemporary. There is no required reading, and you will have the opportunity to learn about books recommended by other group members. Attend as many sessions as you’d like. Admission is free and all are welcome. Refreshments sponsored by the Friends of the Cranford Public Library. Patrons are welcome to join us in person or online.
Marc Berger Concert–Monday, October 30, at 7pm
Marc Berger’s life has been about pursuing twin passions: creating, recording and performing his original songs and exploring the American West. He’s performed at Austin’s SXSW Music Festival and the Kerrville and Falcon Ridge Folk Festivals and has opened for Bob Dylan and other national acts. His antinuclear anthem The Last One was a staple of Richie Havens’ concerts. Marc’s critically acclaimed album, RIDE, a collection of songs all having to do with the romance of the West, has received national airplay and been licensed by STARBUCKS for worldwide in-store airplay. Marc has played at over 150 libraries. At this special concert, Marc, accompanied by a drummer, will perform songs from the album and Marc will share some unforgettable stories about his experiences as an easterner in the mountain and desert West.