Month: May 2015

Warren School District Wins Award

Congratulations to the Warren Township School District as it will be honored in  June as a winner of the 2015 NJSPRA School Communication Awards. NJSPRA is the New Jersey chapter of NSPRA, the National School Public Relations Association. Superintendent Tami

The City Seal: A Capsule of Our History

Submitted by Al Shipley, City Historian and Rahway Library Research Consultant It had been a long time in coming, but the legal requirements necessary to make Rahway an incorporated city had finally been completed.  On March 12, 1858, the Legislature

Calling on all residents to volunteer during the May 30th “Community Build”.

In response to the numerous requests to continue the beautification of our local parks, a volunteer “community build” event has been scheduled for May 30, 2015. During this community build, the renovation of our 9th Street playground and 16th Street playground will be

Cranford Student Becomes Eagle Scout

(pictured) Taking time from Aszklar Eagle project at Livingston Avenue School are, Nick Stryker, Brendan Aszklar, Thomas Piacentini, Shamus Garcia. Rising to the rank of Eagle Scout is the pinnacle of a Boy Scouts journey. To achieve this a young
