Woman’s Club of Westfield & The Paul Jackson Fund

The Ladies of the Home Life Department of the Woman’s Club of Westfield welcomed Mary Doherty, Director of the Paul Jackson Fund at a recent meeting. The Fund continues to help local individuals and families who are experiencing times of need, ranging from basic needs to larger items of need. The ladies of WCW contributed to filling Easter Baskets for two young daughters of a local family. The baskets were filled with children’s clothing, books, toys and so much more.
Paul Jackson, at the age of 28 was paralyzed after an acute illness at the age of twenty-eight. Financial assistance was much needed at the time to help pay for the uninsured procedures. A group of friends made up of former Westfield High School football players along with parents of little leaguers Paul had coached got together and the seed was planted, The Paul Jackson Fund was born. Many have been helped and many more will be helped in the future. For more information contact dohertypjf@gmail.com.

(above) Shown in this photo is fourth from left, PJF Mary Doherty, from left WCW members: Sally Brown, Sara Choi, Pat D’Angelo, Vivian O’Neil and Jane Walswear.

(above) Shown in this photo is fourth from left, PJF Mary Doherty, from left WCW members: Sally Brown, Sara Choi, Pat D’Angelo, Vivian O’Neil and Jane Walswear.