WHS Seniors Lawn Signs
Submitted by Mary Ann McGann
It took several hours, 8 traffic routes, 45 teachers, and 12 staff members from the Westfield Public Schools and the Westfield Department of Public Works to deliver 387 signs to surprised and delighted Westfield High School 12th graders on May 10.
The massive feat of organization and collaboration was the latest in a series of monthly surprises provided by the WHS Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) to celebrate the Class of 2021.
“We started in January and have provided a surprise to every senior monthly,” says WHS PTSO board member Rachel Barton whose son, Graham, is among the approximately 456 12th graders graduating in June. The monthly surprises have included custom printed stadium cups and candy, lanyards, and magnets with memorable sayings.
The lawn sign delivery was divided by neighborhoods with teachers, district buildings and grounds staff members, DPW staff, and School Resource Officers Ricardo Johnson and Tiffany Kenny forming vehicle caravans and arriving at each senior’s home with horns honking and much fanfare. Those households who did not order a lawn sign received a visit from the assigned caravan and a gift of a bottle of bubbles.
Parent and advisor to the WHS PTSO Board Monica Bergin thanked the teachers, SROs, the Westfield DPW, and the Westfield Public Schools Buildings and Grounds Department for lending their time, vehicles, and enthusiasm to the lawn sign delivery.
Photos by Westfield Public Schools