Week of “Extra” Respect in Westfield Public Schools

(above) Edison Intermediate School students and staff wore their favorite sneakers to “stomp out bullying” during the Week of Respect. Pictured here are 7th graders Sophia Opryshko (left) and Macaila Mercer.

Week of “Extra” Respect

Submitted by Mary Ann McGann

Whether virtual or in-person, students and staff in Westfield Public Schools participated in lessons and activities emphasizing the meaning of respect and the different ways people show it during the Week of Respect, observed annually by public school districts across New Jersey.

“We call it the Week of ‘Extra’ Respect because respect for self, respect for others, and respect for the community is an ideal reinforced in our district throughout the school year,” says Superintendent Dr. Margaret Dolan.

Each of the district’s ten schools continued to focus on social and emotional learning and character education. Special activities taking place at the elementary schools during the Week of Respect included a continued focus on the Six Pillars of Character, lessons and stories on inclusiveness and promoting tolerance, clothing-themed days, as well as kindness motivational videos and songs. There were virtual lessons on respect for the youngest learners at Lincoln and respect-themed stories including What if Everyone Did That by Ellen Javernick and Should I Share My Ice Cream by Mo Willems.

At the middle schools, students heard special morning announcements read by members of the No Place for Hate Committees, wore themed items of clothing, and were reminded of the importance of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Prevention. There were similar activities at Westfield High School where the “No Place for Hate” committee now has nearly 80 members. 

“One example that illustrates how the Week of Respect is practiced year-round in Westfield Public Schools is the tutoring program supported by the Police Athletic League (PAL) so that all WHS students have access to tutoring assistance,” Dolan says. “This program, in existence for many years, continued even as the pandemic hit, with teachers and students gathering virtually once a week to help one another with assignments and to engage in discussion and socialization.”

Dolan says those wishing to volunteer for the PAL program or to receive tutoring should contact WHS Assistant Principal Warren Hynes at whynes@westfieldnjk12.org.

“These are just a few of the many activities taking place across the district during the Week of ‘Extra’ Respect,” adds Dolan. “I am thankful that we have so many caring teachers, administrators, and other staff who model respectful behavior every day and who are committed to providing for both the academic and emotional well-being of their students, especially during this challenging time.”

Photos by Westfield Public Schools

(above) Lincoln kindergartners demonstrate resilience as they take part in virtual activities during the Week of Respect.
(above) As part of Week of Respect activities, Jefferson School 4th grader Lucas Castelluccio dons a tie-dyed shirt to illustrate how every person is diverse and unique is his/her own way during the Week of Respect.
(above) Roosevelt Intermediate School 7th grader Casey Barker reads a respect-themed morning announcement over the school intercom during the Week of Respect.
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