Westfield High School Announces Six Perfect SAT Scores
Westfield High School announced that 6 students have achieved perfect scores in November 2015 on SAT standardized tests widely used for college admission criteria. Westfield High School Assistant Principal, Mary Asfendis (far left), expressed her congratulations to these 10th and 11th graders for their top scores (l-r): Sophomores Soo Min Chung and Cindy Qiang – each scoring 800 in Math; and Juniors Emma Cravo – Writing; Charlotte Perez – French w/Listening; Charles Rule – Reading; and Mackail Liderman – Math 2.

(above) Westfield High School Assistant Principal, Mary Asfendis (far left), expressed her congratulations to these 10th and 11th graders for their top scores (l-r): Sophomores Soo Min Chung and Cindy Qiang – each scoring 800 in Math; and Juniors Emma Cravo – Writing; Charlotte Perez – French w/Listening; Charles Rule – Reading; and Mackail Liderman – Math 2.