Westfield High School’s Model United Nations Club won the Outstanding Delegation Award for excelling in all parts of the annual conference held in Hershey, Pennsylvania from January 4 – 6, 2019. Approximately 2,000 students from 80 Mid-Atlantic schools attended the conference.
“The students participated in wide ranging debates that were the culmination of months of research and preparation,” said Daniel Farabaugh, co-adviser of the WHS Model UN along with David Della Fera.
Many Westfield High School students received individual recognitions, including:
- Meghan Johnson, Nicolas Guerrerio, Wyatt Miller, Alexander McGrail and Adam Schwartz were recognized as top debaters and named Premier Diplomats.
- Acknowledged for an Outstanding First Year were Ashleigh Bahadur, Jordyn Ives, John DeSena, Shirzad Mustafa, Gabriella Scipioni, and Olivia Bergman.
- Caroline Schafer, Alexandra Sica, Caroline Gallagher and Anna Saber received recognition for Outstanding Country Research Paper.
- Officers for this year’s conference were Julia Colleran, Tomas Taaffe, Luke Mizus, Justin Joseph, Brianna Vaca, Andrew Zanfagna, and Austin Chen
- Officers chosen to plan, organize and run committees for next year’s conference are Brianna Vaca, Jordan Horowitz, Adam Schwartz, Brad Hornbeck, Olivia Conti, Eric Mordkovich, and Julia Colleran.
Elisa Saint-Denis, Mark Johnson, and Julia Colleran were selected to attend the Conference on National Affairs, a two-week conference in North Carolina attended by representatives from all 50 states.
The Westfield High School Model UN program is run in conjunction with the Westfield Area YMCA.

(above) Westfield High School’s Model United Nations Club won the Outstanding Delegation Award for excelling in all parts of the annual conference held in Hershey, PA on January 4-6, 2019.
Photo by Westfield High School