Westfield Hall of Fame 2022 Inductee: Nancy Priest
Submitted by Sherry Cronin
Nancy Priest, a native of Steubenville, Ohio, has been making a difference in Westfield since she moved to town in 1966. In addition to raising her son and daughter in Westfield, Nancy got involved in many organizations, especially those which concerned history, art education and beautification.
One of her first volunteer efforts included a major donation and advocacy for the Westfield Memorial Public Library with her former husband, William Priest. The library was relocated from the municipal building and built at the site of the former Grant School. This work led her to take on even larger projects when she became President of the Westfield Symphony, ensuring that the organization became a prestigious arts organization with secure funding. She also saw tremendous potential in rehabilitating Mindowaskin Park and became President of the non-profit, Friends of Mindowaskin Park. Nancy led the effort to raise funds for vintage lighting, benches, paths, gardens, the gazebo and the restoration of the signature granite overlook.
There have been many landmarks in town touched by Nancy including downtown buildings and amenities, the train station redesign, WWII plaques working with local Boy Scouts, and advocating for historic preservation through her roles in the Historic Preservation Commission and the Westfield Historical Society.
Having spent many years in the historic Presbyterian Church and singing in the choir, Nancy served on several committees and worked alongside her husband Dave Rogers for over 20 years on numerous projects to improve the church and grounds. This work included extensive rehabilitation work on the burial grounds as well as interior alterations within the church. Nancy has recently been assisting Dave with editing his Burial Grounds of the Presbyterian Church in the Westfields of Elizabethtown book to be released in 2022.
One of Nancy’s most significant accomplishments and gifts to Westfield was her tenure as President of the Westfield Historical Society from the late 1990’s to 2020 where not only did she lead the volunteer-based organization, but also helped to raise over $2.3 million to restore and rehabilitate the 1870’s Reeve History & Cultural Resource Center. The nationally, state, and locally registered historic site is now a crown jewel for Westfield located at 314 Mountain Avenue and has welcomed thousands of visitors since. Nancy and Dave were instrumental in the relocation of the Town Bell which is now on the Reeve grounds for the public to enjoy.
Not only was Westfield the beneficiary of Nancy’s love for art and history, she also was a docent of the Metropolitan Museum of Art driving into New York City twice a week from 1984 to 2009, providing tours to visitors from around the world of the prestigious museum and art galleries.
As her family was getting established, Nancy earned her degree at Union College and transferred to Drew University. During her senior year, she and her daughter, Karen, attended Drew at the same time. She has earned degrees and certifications in historic preservation and shared her knowledge serving as Trustee Emerita of Drew University and in several state appointed roles including the Historic Sites Council. She served as the Chair of the Westfield Historic Preservation Commission and Town Historian and has earned awards by many arts and history organizations.
Nancy and Dave’s home and gardens in the Wychwood section also reflects their classic and timeless style filled with art, historic finds and award-winning gardens generously shared with the community on garden tours and fundraisers over the years. Nancy’s collections of rare landscape species and knowledge of horticulture has earned her many accolades.
Sherry Cronin, a Hall of Fame Committee member and former VP of the Westfield Historical Society, stated “We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Nancy. She is a force of nature passionately working to create or restore beauty to our town with tenacious spirit and vision. Not only has she earned certifications and awards in historic preservation, but she puts those skills into action and teaches others. We are all the beneficiaries of Nancy’s generosity and hard work in and for Westfield.”
The Westfield Hall of Fame is a Committee of The Westfield Historical Society which has named nine inductees for the 2022 Hall of Fame Class. In addition to Nancy Priest, inductees include: Clara “Chic” Bolger, Allen Chin, Samuel Downer Sr., Ralph Jones, Charles R. Morrison Sr., James & Melba Nixon, Theodore K. Schlosberg, and Mabel L. Sturgis with Helen French Welch. The Hall of Fame Committee has a long list of qualified candidates submitted by the public for its consideration in future inductions.
The 13 members of the 2022 Hall of Fame selection committee are planning the induction ceremony for Friday, October 7, 2022. Historical Society members and the public at large are encouraged to submit profiles of persons believed to be strong candidates for the Westfield Hall of Fame to the Westfield Historical Society, P. O. Box 613, Westfield, NJ 07091.