“Coffee with a Cop” at Westfield Senior Citizens Housing

(above) Detective DaSilva and Officer Hayes visited with residents of Westfield Senior Citizens Housing on October 18 as part of their “Coffee with a Cop” tour.

“Coffee with a Cop”

Westfield Senior Citizens Housing was delighted to welcome the Westfield Police Department once again to engage with our seniors on their “Coffee with a Cop” tour. The Westfield Police officers brought coffee, soft pretzels, muffins, pastries and a variety of safety items to distribute to our seniors at 1133 and 1129 Boynton Avenue.

The “Coffee with a Cop” program is a wonderful opportunity for the seniors to learn ways of staying safe. Detective Silva and Officer Hayes informed the senior citizens at both buildings on the dangers of neglecting to lock your apartment door and car door; scams targeting senior citizens; how not to become a victim of identity theft; and, so much more. The seniors were very appreciative of the time and effort given by the officers and detectives of the Westfield Police Department. 

Westfield Senior Citizens Housing, located at 1133 and 1129 Boynton Avenue, Westfield, NJ, was planned and built by the Westfield Senior Citizens Housing Corporation (non-profit).

Courtesy photo

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