Westfield Chamber Networking at Union Catholic

Union Catholic High School in Scotch Plains was delighted to host the Greater Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce at a networking breakfast on December 15. Student ambassadors guided Chamber members to the cafeteria and hosted tours of UC. Principal Sister Percylee Hart, RSM welcomed the Chamber and Director of Development Susan Dyckman offered a brief snapshot of what sets makes the UC high school experience so unique. Taylor Salomon, a member of UC’s Class of ’16, enthusiastically shared some of her experiences in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy and strongly encouraged Chamber members to get their own children involved in this exciting hands-on learning opportunity that is sponsored by GWACC.

(right) Susan Dyckman, Director of Development Union Catholic HS, Gene Jannotti, Executive Director - GWACC, Sister Percylee Hart, Principal, Union Catholic HS, Chris Devine, Chairman - GWACC

(right) Susan Dyckman, Director of Development Union Catholic HS, Gene Jannotti, Executive Director – GWACC, Sister Percylee Hart, Principal, Union Catholic HS, Chris Devine, Chairman – GWACC.
