Annual Holiday Food Delivery Project
Optimist Club and Rotary Club
On Saturday, December 18, members of the Westfield Optimist Club and Rotary Club demonstrated their commitment to community service by providing holiday food to Westfield area families and local food pantries. Due to current health and safety concerns and food restrictions, ShopRite and Stop & Shop food gift cards were distributed to families instead of food baskets.
The Holiday Food delivery program has been an annual community service project for the Optimist Club of Westfield for the past 31 years. This project is made possible through the generosity and funding from the Optimist Club and the Rotary Club of Westfield and contributions from members, friends and local organizations that sponsor gift cards. A special thank you to The Westfield Foundation, Rotary Foundation, Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Northfield Bank Foundation and the Westfield Y Men’s Club for their contributions and support.
One hundred holiday food gift cards were delivered to local families, the Westfield Food Pantry, Presbyterian Church Agape Food Program, Union County College Student Assistance Food Pantry and the Saint Joseph’s Social Service Center Food Pantry. Thank you to members of both organizations who attended the breakfast and delivered the gift cards.
The involvement of volunteers and local organizations ensures the success of this annual program, which reflects the mission of helping those in need and assisting members of our community.