(above) Carey Golden (right) is presented with the 2019 C. Houghton Birdsall President’s Award by Ken Mirsky.
Carey Golden and Jack Panosh Honored During Annual Dinner
The Westfield Historical Society held its 51st Annual Dinner on May 10, 2019. During the annual general membership meeting, Trustees for the 2019-2020 year were elected including 2 new Trustees – Annmarie Puleio and Carole Shaffer-Koros.
Guests enjoyed music performed by the Florian Schantz Jazz Combo who played a selection of Jazz music from throughout the years. Lowell Schantz, Westfield Historical Society Trustee and Jazz Combo member, explained the history of each song which was appropriate for this gathering of history aficionados.
Awards were also presented during the event. Carey Golden, Curator of the WHS Archives and Trustee, was awarded the 2019 C. Houghton Birdsall President’s Award for her Distinguished Service to The Westfield Historical Society. Her award was presented by Ken Mirsky, WHS Trustee and Archives Volunteer.
Jack Panosh, Westfield’s Town “ClockMeister”, was awarded the 2019 Trustees’ Award for his Notable Contributions to the Preservation of Westfield’s Heritage. His award was presented by Greg Blasi, WHS Trustee and Chair of the WHS Historic Preservation Committee.
The Westfield Historical Society celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018. Since 1968, the 501(c)(3) non-profit Westfield Historical Society has worked to preserve, interpret and encourage interest in history, Westfield, and its residents through educational efforts and community outreach programs.
For further information on the Westfield Historical Society and its activities, or to volunteer, call 908-654-1794 or visit westfieldhistoricalsociety.org and like on facebook.
Submitted by Carol Goggi

(above) Jack Panosh (right) is presented the 2019 Trustees Award by Greg Blasi.