Watchung Seniors Travel Down Memory Lane

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 three dozen members of the Watchung Seniors Club gathered at the Texier Museum. The club leaders conducted their regularly scheduled meeting in the media room of the museum.
Afterward the members of the Watchung Historical Committee guided their senior guests through the exhibits in the museum.
After the tours were completed the seniors lunched on finger sandwiches, snacks, coffee, iced tea and a selection of homemade desserts provided by the Historical Committee.
During the tours and lunch the seniors reminisced about their past experiences. Quite often a man or woman would exclaim, “Remember when…?” or “We had those (WW II) ration books to use. Oh, but we had fun….”.
The Historical Committee will be presenting their guests with Watchung commemorative plates as mementos of their visit to the Texier Museum.

(above) Shows Diddy Addario (center), a member of the Watchung Historical Committee, explaining an exhibit to the seniors.

(above) Shows Diddy Addario (center), a member of the Watchung Historical Committee, explaining an exhibit to the seniors.

(above) Shows Barbara Diem (left), Chairperson of the Watchung Historical Committee, speaking to seniors about Watchung history.

(above) Shows Barbara Diem (left), Chairperson of the Watchung Historical Committee, speaking to seniors about Watchung history.