Watchung Pack 32 Scouting for Food Drive – Dec. 2nd

Scouting for Food – Dec. 2

Watchung Cub Scout Pack 32 will be collecting non-perishable food from participating Watchung community members right from your door on December 2nd!

All donations collected will be delivered to the Starfish Pantry of Plainfield to help support families in need this Holiday season.

Items that are Most Sought after Include: 

Bread, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Cans of Soup, Cereal, Mac n’ Cheese, Small Boxes of Tea Bags, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cans: Fruit, Vegetables, Tuna.

To Participate, use the QR code, or sign up via our SignUp Genius Link ( Please place items in a bag or box labeled “For Cub Scouts” and leave out by your front door by 10 a.m., Saturday, December 2nd. Scouts will pick up your donation by 12 p.m. (noon).

Drop off location also available at the Watchung Police Department foyer, and Wilson Memorial Church.

For More Information, Email: