Some 555 students from Warren Township, Watchung, Long Hill Township and Green Brook Township received diplomas on Wednesday morning, June 24, at the 58th Annual Commencement at Watchung Hills Regional High School.
Under bright sunny skies, and with temperatures in the high 80s, family and friends filled the stands of Tozier Stadium to witness the graduates, with the girls dressed in white gowns and boys in gold, process in under a canopy of brown and gold balloons, the school’s colors, to occupy seats on the football field. They walked behind school administrators, board of education members and faculty members, many of who wore gowns bearing academic colors earned from their own college and post-graduate graduations.
The school’s Concert Band, under the direction of Music teacher David Udell, who, himself, is retiring this year, played “Pomp & Circumstance.” The Senior Choral Group, under the direction of Music teacher Angela DiIorio Bird, herself a graduate of Watchung Hills, sang the National Anthem.
Four students made remarks at the commencement, all fondly remembering their time at Watchung Hills, and encouraging their fellow graduates to seek and conquer new challenges, be leaders, and never forget their home, Watchung Hills. The student speakers were: Joseph Pecoraro, the president of the All Student Council, who also led the Salute to the Flag; Katherine Schechter, president of the Class of 2015; Joseph Da, who presented the Salutatory address; and Christina Liao, who presented the Valedictory address.
Also speaking at the graduation were: Principal George Alexis; Superintendent Elizabeth Jewett; and Watchung Hills Regional High School Vice President Dr. Gregory Przybylski. They echoed the sentiments of the student speakers.
“Dream big and aim to do good,” said Alexis. “Examine the world with a critical eye and ask the right questions. Be brave and creative, empathetic and kind, authentic and resilient. As you become our newest alumni, the world and your place in it changes inevitably. The river continues to flow, but one constant remains: This is your school and you have a home at Watchung Hills.”
Jewett reminded all who gathered on graduation day that the day also belongs to the parents, family and teachers who have contributed to the individual and collective successes of the Class of 2015.
Przybylski recalled how at the very start of school, students learn the basic building blocks, the “ABCs.” At their graduation from high school, and now as young adults, he urged the members of the Class of 2015 to still remember their ABCs, which he suggested stand for the building blocks for success: “Advocacy,” “Bravery,” and “Compassion.”
After the official ceremonies, graduates, families, faculty and school officials lingered on the field and later, met up back in school, to take photos, sign yearbooks, say goodbyes, and head out to family parties.
Later, many of the graduates attended the annual Project Graduation party at the FunPlex in Mount Laurel, organized by the 2015 Project Graduation Committee. The commencement booklets included the names of some 176 families and nearly 70 businesses and community organizations who had supported the Project Graduation effort.

Student speakers at the Watchung Hills Regional High School graduation on Wednesday, June 24, are, from left: Jeff Pecoraro, President of the All Student Council; Joseph Da, who gave the Salutatory address; Christiana Liao, who gave the Valedictory address; and Katherine Schechter, president of the Class of 2015.

Many graduating seniors at the Watchung Hills Regional High School graduation on June 24 decorated their caps with indications of where they plan to attend college. From left are, Jacky Mentone of Millington, who plans to attend Rutgers University, Gabby Salazar of Green Brook Township who plans to attend Penn State University.