Watchung Hills Regional High School Welcomes New Staff

WHRHS Welcomes New Teachers and Staff for 2019/2020

Submitted by Denis Kelly

The Watchung Hills Regional High School (WHRHS) faculty and administration includes two new interim staff, one returning staff, and 14 new staff with which to begin the 2019-2020 School Year.

The new members include five new World Languages teachers, two new Mathematics teachers, two new Science teachers, and one new Social Studies, English, and Choral Music teachers. There is also a new Guidance Counselor and a new Vice Principal.

“The new staff for the 2019-2020 School Year were welcomed to WHRHS at a three-day New Teacher Orientation program, Tuesday, August 20, to Thursday, August 22,” said Beth Scheiderman, WHRHS Director of Human Resources and Professional Development. “The new staff received information about WHRHS systems, were introduced to key resource staff, were given tours of the WHRHS facilities, and had opportunities to get to know one another. All the new staff were eager to familiarize themselves with the school, and were looking forward to meeting their fellow faculty members during the full staff development program on Wednesday, August 28, and Thursday, August 29.”

The new teachers were also at WHRHS for New Student Orientation Day, Thursday, August 29, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. First day of school for the 2019-2020 School Year was Tuesday, September 3.

Photo by WHRHS

(above, l-r) The new teachers and Vice Principal at Watchung Hills Regional High School for the 2019-2020 School Year gathered in the school’s Media Center for New Teacher Orientation on August 20-22. They are: (seated) Lam Wong, Dan Lamson, Alex Albaret, Vice Principal Jim Flakker; (standing) Natalia Berardo, Christina Longo, Pamela Phillips, Patrick Ganley, Mark Harley, Ofelia Rodriguez, Monica Rito, Douglas Radiewicz, and Kavish Dhaibar. Not in photo: Lexiang Chiarulli.

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