Submitted by Michael Ryder
On December 16, 2018 the Watchung Hills Elks #/885 hosted their annual Children’s Christmas party, for our Special Children, their families and friends. There was plenty of food to eat while being entertained by Morley the Magician – who did a great show that appealed to all and was tuned for those who have heightened sensitivities to light and sound. Later, Santa and his elves came out to deliver gifts chosen specifically for each child.
Betty Volker chairs our Special Children’s Committee and was assisted by many but key among them were Deni Heilman for planning and shopping, Kim DeVizio for running the kitchen and Paul “Santa” Staeger and his granddaughter head elf.
“We, as Elks, have continually taken a great deal of pride in talking about our Special Children’s Committee’s works. However deeds are always better than words therefore we must practice what we preach. We can do this best by seeing to it that any handicapped child needing help in any community in our state is cared for by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Our aim is to help them become self-sustaining and useful citizens so that in the future they may enjoy a happy and normal life.”
Do you have a Special Child that could use a week off at Elks Camp Moore this summer, at a program where each child has a 1-to-1 ratio with a dedicated counselor? Additionally, we host many events throughout the year for our Special Children — If you would like to join our Special Children’s family, please contact us by email at and we’ll put you in touch with Betty.
On the other hand, maybe you are interested in providing a direct service to special children and making a difference in your community. We have 7 acres of property, a members-only lodge/bar, swimming pool and other facilities — consider joining the Elks! Start by contacting us at