WAR schools new staff 2019

‹ Return to Warren Township Schools Welcome New Staff for the 2019-2020 School Year

(above, l-r) Back row: Mrs. Sarah Claxton, paraprofessional, Mr. Jeffrey Heaney, principal, Mrs. Tatiana Neri, school nurse, Mrs. Sharon Bell, bus driver, Ms. Kimberly Felber, leave replacement teacher, Mr. Scott Vaglio, Spanish teacher, Mr. Michael Morin, bus driver and Mr. Scott Cook principal. Middle Row: Mrs. Kimberly Collison, paraprofessional, Mrs. Caitlin Atkinson, special education teacher, Ms. Cathryn Ticchio, paraprofessional, Mrs. Shawna Slater, paraprofessional, Ms. Kelsey Harcourt, leave replacement school counselor, Mr. Kevin Pachecco, multi-duty paraprofessional and Mrs. Cheryl Thoma, paraprofessional. First row: Mrs. Lindsay Sheffrin, special education teacher, Ms. Aubrey Pellerin, physical education teacher, Mrs. Marybeth Henry, paraprofessional, Mrs. Carlyn O’Regan, LDTC, Mrs. Marissa Marton-Sarao, art teacher, Mrs. Teresa Kuprat, paraprofessional, Dr. Erica Pawlo, school psychologist and Ms. Tam Quach, grade 1 teacher pose for a new employee group photograph during the New Staff Induction Program!
