(above) 2019 Fishing Derby Winners
Warren Township Recreation Department’s 34th Annual Fishing Derby
On Saturday, May 18, 2019, Warren Township Recreation held its 34th Annual Fishing Derby. It could not have been a better day weather wise for the event and residents enjoyed the day in the sun as well some great fishing. Close to 350 residents came out to enjoy the day.
As usual, the support of the Blue Ridge Sportsmen Club made the day possible by supporting the event in many ways by providing loaner poles and raffle prizes. The club also provided lunch to the community by grilling up 250 hot dogs, 250 hamburgers, fried zeppoles and 3 different flavors of Italian Ice. Warren Recreation Director, Joe Passaro said, “We have enjoyed the support of the club over the years, but they take it to a new level every year!”
Joe went on to thank, his staff Amanda Altavilla, the Recreation Program Coordinator and Bruce Vitale, a supporter of the Derby for 33 years. Joe was very deliberate to thank his local Warren crooner Bob Marino for the music for the daylong festivities. Bob will be the kickoff to our Summer Concert Series on June 19th.
The young anglers had a great day, the Grand Prize Winner, who was only 8 years old caught a 25” catfish. His name was Elias Lostan.
Fishing Derby Prize Winners:
5-6 year olds:
22” Catfish – Jax Kaufman
11” Crappy – Brody DeHaven
7-8 year olds:
24” Catfish – Owen Zambrell
21” Catfish – Zeke Minieri
9-10 year old:
20” Catfish – Russell Granese
14” Bass – Gideon Minieri
11-12 year old:
24” Catfish – Brady Sifert
22” Catfish – Grace Prayias
13-14 year old:
14” Bass – Erika DaSilva
9” Bass – Kenny Espinoza
Photos by Warren Township Recreation

(above) Bruce Vitale with Grand Prize Winner Elias Lostan.

(above) Warren Blue Ridge Sportsmen Club

(above) Recreation Director Joe Passaro and Bob Marino