Submitted by Tricia Patricco
Over the weekend of May 11-13, 2018 fifty-eight Cub scouts and their families from Pack 182 attended the annual Spring Camporee at Winnebago Scout Reservation in Rockaway, New Jersey. The theme of this spring’s event was “Save the Wild”. Scouts enjoyed the great outdoors with games, physical activities, hiking, fishing and lots of fun.
Saturday morning our Webelo Scouts were on breakfast detail, they cooked Pancakes, Canadian bacon, and Taylor ham, egg and cheese sandwiches. All Campers fueled up for the busy day ahead!
After the Opening Ceremonies, Scouts participated in a full day of activities including a Fishing Derby, Climbed the Boulder wall, shot BB Guns and enjoyed Archery with our certified Range masters, raced Cub Mobiles, rowed their way across the lake in row boats, checked out the batting cages, and tried their hand at Whittling Chip and Flintlocks Building classes.
At the Fishing Derby, Pack 182 was proud to have some prize winners! Fintan Beyus won most fish caught by a Tiger rank. Marcello Gioia won largest Fish caught by a Bear rank. Lorenzo Armao won most fish caught by a Webelo rank.
Eating well is a big part of the camping experience for Pack 182! Scouts enjoyed hot dogs, burgers, chicken, macaroni and potato salad for lunch. For dinner everyone ate slow cooked ribs, BBQ pork loin, pasta and meatballs. We know that happy tummies make for happy campers.
We also celebrated future Lion scout Beau Carr’s 4th Birthday Saturday afternoon. We sang Happy Birthday to Beau and everyone enjoyed homemade campfire themed cupcakes made by Jen Carr.
Families camped in tents on platforms, and cubs gathered wood and learned various methods for starting campfires with Cub Master Adam Gioia. These included, Flint and steel, Magnesium, fire piston, and friction fire bow. Scouts were also taught about char cloth, how to make it, and how it works to help make a fire.
The highlight of Saturday evening at the Camporee is the all-camp Campfire. Earlier in the day with help from leaders, Afseneh Thursfield and Christian Bellmann our scouts devised and practiced a skit called “The Secrets of Fishing”. The scouts did an awesome job with their performance of this skit at the Campfire.
After returning to Pack 182’s campsite, the scouts gathered and were treated to ghost stories around our own campfire. This year they included the NJ Devil, and a very creative story by Klaus Teepe called “The Headless Poncho Man”. Some of the best times shared camping are around the evening campfires. In spite of the rainy weather, everyone had a great time and looks forward to the next camping trip.
Cub Scout Pack 182 in Warren Township serves the local community and surrounding towns. To join Cub Scouts or find out more about Pack 182 visit our Facebook page: our website or by contacting us at