Warren library knitting group

Warren library knitting group

The Yarn & Threads Knitting Group consists of roughly a dozen people, men and women of all ages, who meet every Monday at 10 a.m. on the second floor of the Warren Twp Library to knit, crochet, or do other projects.

With the addition of a yarn donation box, located at the entrance of the Library, we have been able to make items to donate. Some of the projects we worked on include: Mittens and hats for library funding; Blankets for hospice; Hats for newborns; Blankets for churches; Hats and mittens for Veterans and for the needy, and more.

We have completed our first year of donations and are planning for the next year. Mittens and hats are currently being sold at the library across from the showcase through the cold season.

Submitted by Wendy Willaman

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