Brain Tumor Awareness Month
Clark Public Schools
Students in Miss Emma Gilardi’s class discovered that May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month and while the flowers around them are bright and colorful, May is actually the time when a lot of people “Go Gray.” “Going Gray” in May signifies the gray matter in our brains as well as helps us show our solidarity and support to those with brain tumors.
Gilardi stated, “As a class, we discussed the importance of our brains. Some students reflected on how they have lost their appendix or know someone without a kidney, but that person can still be themself, however, if someone doesn’t have their brain they would no longer be themselves! Additionally, we pondered the thought of how brain tumors get in the way of your brain and way of life, just the same as your own mind and thinking may do to yourself on a daily basis.”
Gilardi continued, “Sometimes our brains try to tell us that we aren’t good enough or even strong enough. The students in Room 3 decided to say ‘We ARE enough’ and wrote letters to remind their brains to put positive thinking into work.”
As a brain tumor survivor herself, Miss Gilardi reminded her students, “If you put your minds to work it won’t matter what you try to do. It’s mind over matter. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that although something may be in our way (may that be negative thinking or even a brain tumor) we can still push through and try our best.”
Room 3 wore their Brain Tumor Awareness bracelets throughout the month of May in honor of not only their teacher, but of every warrior, fighter, survivor, and family affected by brain tumors.
Photo by Clark Public Schools