Volunteers from Beautiful Mountainside Replenish Borough’s Planters

Submitted by Regina Kelley

Volunteers from Beautiful Mountainside took advantage of the warm temperatures and replenished the Borough’s planters downtown recently. The grass roots committee dedicated to “making Mountainside more beautiful” welcomes each season with new plantings.
Members meet the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at The Hetfield House, Constitution Plaza, Mountainside, New Jersey. New volunteers are always welcome to attend.
Go to Facebook and “like” Beautiful Mountainside to learn more.
Photos by David Coken

(above, l-r) Beautiful Mountainside planters: Todd Evans, Andi Hoy, Debbie Boehner, Irena Dabrowski, Linda Condrillo, Jessica McSulla, and Regina Kelley.

(above) Andi Hoy and Jessica McSulla.

(above, front to back) Beautiful Mountainside volunteer planting pansies.