Mahatma Gandhi, in speaking of volunteerism said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” The recent Day of Service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday brought out many in the City of Summit to perform acts of kindness in service to others. Service to the community, however, is not a one-day endeavor. Many in our community need our assistance every day.
The Summit Free Public Library is hosting its first Volunteer Fair on Saturday, March 10 from 1 to 4 p.m. A variety of Summit-based organizations will be available to provide information on the good works each of their organizations perform on a daily basis. Attendees will have the opportunity to “shop” the organizations to find the right fit for their interest and skills. Organization representatives will be available to answer questions and sign-up potential volunteers.
Participating organizations include The Connection, The Summit Area YMCA, SAGE, Reeves-Reed Arboretum, Home for Good Dog Rescue, Friends of the Summit Library, Overlook Hospital Elder Life Department, American Red Cross, the Rotary Club of Summit-New Providence, Visual Arts Center of NJ, Summit First Aid, Bridges, Summit Helping Its People (SHIP), St. Hubert’s Animal Rescue, The Summit Playhouse, Summit College Branch of the American Assoc. of University Women, Summit Area Green Faith Circle, and Family Promise.
Adult, senior, and teen volunteers are welcome. No registration is necessary. As you plan for the year ahead, remember that “Life’s most persistent and urgent questions is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” (Martin Luther King Jr.).
The Summit Free Public Library is located at 75 Maple Street, Summit, New Jersey. Assistive listening devices are available. For additional information, call 908-273-0350 or check the library website at
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