New Veteran Center Community Access Point
County of Morris
Morris County’s new federal Veteran Center Community Access Point (CAP) opened on May 2, 2024, at the Morris County Veteran Services Office (VSO) located at 540 West Morris Avenue in Morris Township.
Services will be provided – by appointment only — by two Veteran Affairs (VA) counselors from the federal Bloomfield Vet Center, who will be available every Thursday. To make an appointment, veterans should call the Bloomfield Vet Center at 973-748-0980, NOT the Morris County VSO.
“Morris County can host this new Veteran Affairs service point because we’ve recently doubled the space for our veteran services,” said Morris County Commissioner John Krickus, a lifelong county resident and U.S. Marine Corps veteran.
A CAP is a satellite location of the VA, typically established in donated spaces in conjunction with community organizations to provide readjustment counseling services to eligible veterans, service members and their families. The Morris County Board of County Commissioners agreed to provide the two rooms at the Morris County Veteran Services Office to support the federal VA satellite services in the hopes the VA will locate a full-service VA Center in Northwest New Jersey.
Vet Centers provide Veterans with high-quality counseling, community engagement, and referral services in nearby and comfortable environments.
Over the past two years, Morris County has expanded its VSO facility and will again increase staffing, adding a fourth veterans service officer and an intern this year. In 2022, Morris County allocated $350,000 in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds to veteran services, and last year contributed an additional $300,000 to address the growing demand for mental health, family counseling and other veteran services.
VA Centers are community-based counseling centers that offer a wide range of social and psychological services, including no-cost professional counseling for eligible veterans, service members and their families. New Jersey currently has five locations: Bloomfield, Egg Harbor Township, Ewing Township, Lakewood Township and Secaucus.