Upcoming Programs at the Westfield Memorial Library

New School Year Begins with the Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library

Submitted by Marcy Lechner

Mark your calendars for an interesting ’19-’20 year with the Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library. Our programs begin in September with our annual Children and Teen focused Book Sale with donation days on September 23 and 24;the sale runs from Wednesday, September 25 through Saturday, September 28. Now is a good time to go through your book shelves and pull what you would like to donate. We will accept all books in good condition for readers up to the teen age (from baby books to easy readers, picture books to young adult). The sale is a great time to refresh your household or classroom library.

Opera fans will also welcome September as the Season Premier of the New York Metropolitan Opera Series begins on September 25 with Macbeth. Attend this performance and others this season with the Friends Opera Club. The round trip bus transportation takes all of the hassle out of going to the Opera.

In October, the Friends will host a book discussion, which is our book club, on Wednesday the 16 at the library. All are welcome to participate in the book discussion. Also on October 16, the Hale Speaker Series will continue with a talk by Stacey Farley on ‘The Art of the Ceramic Tile.’ In November there is another book discussion on the 15. Carol Tener returns to the Hale Speaker Series on Wednesday, November 6. Westfield residents enjoyed Carol’s 2018 talk so much that they requested her again to continue her tour of ‘Architectural Gems in Westfield.”

Once again the 47th annual Spring Book Sale will happen from April 29 to May 2. This wonderful tradition is a great way for readers of all ages and interests to refresh their book collection.

In between all of these programs visit a New York Area museum via the Museum Pass Program sponsored by the Friends. Passes are available per the program guidelines at the library circulation desk.

To learn more about these events and programs, volunteer opportunities or to register for a Hale Series Speaker, please visit the Friends website at fwmlnj.org or contact the Friends at info@fwmlnj.org.

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