Job/Internship Portal for Local Employers and Job Seekers

Job/Internship Portal for Local Employers and Job Seekers

Greater Union Chamber of Commerce

In a special collaboration with the Township of Union and the Union Township Board of Education, the Greater Union Township Chamber of Commerce has unveiled a “Job/Internship Portal” designed to assist local employers in finding talent – and enabling job seekers from the surrounding communities to search and apply for jobs.

The portal is featured on the websites of all three sponsoring entities: and

Job postings are free to Chamber members and Union Center SID businesses. Businesses that are not members may also participate at a nominal charge.

“Since the days of the pandemic, our members have shared the difficulties they have encountered in recruiting and retaining qualified staff,” said Chamber CEO James Masterson. “This initiative helps to address that concern among our businesses, while also helping job seekers in our communities as well.”

To post jobs, employers may visit the Chamber website and click on the “Job Board” tab. From there, they may request a log in ID to begin the process.  Employers looking for interns may also follow the same process.

Members of the community seeking jobs may click on the “Find a Job” link under the original tab.

For more information on how to participate in this initiative, contact Masterson at the Chamber Office: 908-688-2777, or email

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