Submitted by JoAnn Solano
Every year the Union Township Garden Club plants spring flowers to add color and beauty to Town Hall grounds. This year club members persevered through a day of gardening in the rain to plant pink shades of Vinca and yellow Stella D’Oro flowers.
Township Garden Club members were joined by Cub Scouts from Pack 68 and other community members. Those in attendance included club members Veronica Doll (president), JoAnn Solano (treasurer), Anna Garcia (board member), Bob Rahenfuher, and Bob Dyke. Joining the club members were Michael Solano, Donna Marie Anjos, Norma Hall, Jonathan Sheriden and sister Abigail, and Nicholas and Ian Polchinski
Coffee and hot chocolate were served with lots of donuts, as the group showed their “Spirit of Union” by enduring the rain to bring these colorful spring flowers to Town Hall.

(above) Members of the Union Township Garden Club were joined by helpers from the community to town hall’s spring flowers this year.