The Union County interfaith Coordinating Council, an organization of clergy and lay persons representing all faith traditions, held an Interfaith Prayer Unity Service at the First United Methodist Church, Westfield, NJ on July 20. This event followed a solidarity gathering held on June 28 at Temple Sha’arey Shalom in Springfield, NJ.
Additional programs are being planned including supporting Union County Thanksgiving Services in November, a Homeless Sabbath in December and the Third Annual Day of Prayer Service at The Parish Community of St. Helen in Westfield on October 24. For more information on the Union County Interfaith Coordinating Council please contact Rod Spearman at or or by phone @ (908) 354-3040 x 4324.
(above) The following clergy, spokespersons and musicians participated in this truly ecumenical service: The Rev. Dr. David Mertz, host pastor of The First United Methodist Church of Westfield, Rev. Anthony Randazzo of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church of Westfield, Rev. Carmine Pernini of Zion Lutheran Church, Rahway, Rev. Ann Marie Alderman of the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, Zagham Chaundry of the Muslim Community Center of Union County, Eric Kussman, Jr. of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Springfield, Rev. Mayra Castaneda of the First Baptist Church of Westfield, Rev. Richard Hogans, Chaplain of the Union County Correctional Center & Shiloh Baptist Church in Elizabeth, Rabbi Ethan Prosnit of Temple Emanuel , Westfield and Dr. Mohammed Ali Chaudry of the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge. Music selections were provided by Jonathan Evers of the First United Methodist Church of Westfield and Cynthia Manno of the Townley Presbyterian Church in Union.