The rebirth of Union Center has been a long time coming. What started with the filling of vacancies quickly progressed to the initiation of two major development projects, and just last week- the groundbreaking of the Stuyvesant Ave Streetscape Project.
“The goals of these capital investments are two fold,” said Mayor Suzette Cavadas, “one is very obviously aesthetic, where we want to bring a certain vibrancy back to the area but economic as well, where we aim to increase foot traffic while simultaneously bringing in new business that would help the Center- and all of Union thrive.”
The project includes a comprehensive overhaul of the sidewalks, curbs, lights and crosswalks in the Special Improvement District (S.I.D.) which will completely change the ambiance and increase pedestrian safety in the area. It will culminate with the milling and paving of Stuyvesant Ave.- an area which residents have been inquiring about in recent months.
The concept for the project was created by Arterial Design Studio, with input from the Township of Union, and Maser Consulting who serve as the Township’s Engineers. They took into account aesthetics, safety, and traffic concerns as well as feedback from residents on what they would like to see in the center.
“We feel as though this project is critical for the revitalization of the downtown,” said David Lustberg, CEO and Managing Principal of Arterial Design Studio.
Arterial offers a well-rounded suite of Planning and Design services to assist their clients in creating places that people enjoy. From public improvements to private development, they focus their expertise on three core service areas: Street Design, Parks and Spaces and Place Branding.
“The ‘look’ of the downtown needs a facelift. It’s been nearly a quarter of a century since the last one and that is part of the reason why we are riding the line of comeback,” said Joe Leo, Owner of Here’s the Story Bookstore, and S.I.D. Board President. “The changes I expect to see in Union Center are a fresh, new, updated look and with that, the attraction of new and vibrant business which will give the downtown the 21st century infusion it needs.”
Construction, performed by Zuccaro Inc., will start this week, beginning at Magic Fountain, on Stuyvesant Ave. and work down towards Morris Ave. The first phase of the project is projected to be completed by fall, 2017.

(above) Mayor Suzette Cavadas, Deputy Mayor Joseph Florio, Committeewoman Michele Delisfort, Committeeman Manuel Figueiredo, Township Administrator Ron Manzella, Assistant
Township Administrator Tammie Kopin, S.I.D. Director Fatimah Raymond, and Township Engineer Joseph Venezia, were joined by Dave Lustberg, CEO and Managing Principal of Arterial Design Studio, and several business owners from the S.I.D. for the groundbreaking on the Stuyvesant Ave Streetscape Project. (photo courtesy of the Township of Union)