Submitted by Natalie Pineiro
The rebirth of Union Center, Union, New Jersey, continued recently as the Township of Union broke ground on phase II of the Stuyvesant Ave Streetscape Project.
“We are so excited to see the launch of Phase II of the Streetscape,” said Suzette Cavadas, Mayor. “We have already seen an increase in foot traffic and can only imagine how it will continue to grow once this project is finished.”
“This foot traffic,” continued Cavadas, “is essential in jump starting Union Center and bringing in the higher caliber retailers that residents are looking for.”
Phase one was completed in the Fall of 2017 and included a comprehensive overhaul of the sidewalks, curbs, lights, and crosswalks on the north side of the Special Improvement District (S.I.D.).
“With the new look in the North Side of the Center we’ve already seen current retailers and property owners reinvesting because of their belief in what the completion of this project can bring,” Cavadas said.
Last year Bon Chon, a Korean food restaurant, expanded to include Kung Fu Tea; Van Gogh’s Ear is currently venturing to open a bakery alongside their popular café, and new businesses have been moving in like Movement Mortgage and Sakura Teriyaki and Sushi.
The concept for the design of the project was created by Arterial Design Studio with input from the Township of Union, and Maser Consulting who serve as the Township’s Engineers. They took into account aesthetics, safety, and traffic concerns as well as feedback from residents on what they would like to see in the center.
Construction, performed by S. Batata Construction, Inc., will start this week beginning at the intersection of Rosemont Ave. This phase of the project is projected to be completed by fall, 2018.
For additional information on the Stuyvesant Ave Streetscape Project, please contact Natalie Pineiro, Public Information Officer, 908-851-5096 or via email at

(above, l-r) Joseph Florio, Deputy Mayor; Manuel Figuereido, Committeeman; Ron Manzella, Township Administrator; Tammie Kopin, Assistant Administrator; Joseph R. Venezia, Principal Associate, Maser Consulting P.A.; William J. Hoover, Project Manager, Maser Consulting P.A.; and Fatimah Raymond, Director, Economic Development, Township of Union Construction Officials, S. Batata Construction, Inc.