(above) Pictured are detectives Steven D’Ambola and Shayne Temple with their Traffic Safety Specialist Leadership awards.
Cranford Detectives Earn Traffic Safety Specialist Designation
Detectives Steven D’Ambola and Shayne Temple of the Cranford Police Department received the Traffic Safety Specialist Leadership designation during the New Jersey Police Traffic Officers Association online event held on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Detective D’Ambola was awarded Level 2 Traffic Safety Specialist, while Det. Temple was awarded Level 1.
The Traffic Safety Specialist (TSS) program was brought to New Jersey from Maryland, in order to recognize police officers who have attained notable experience, education, training, and proficiency in Highway Safety Enforcement methods and procedures.
Notably, Detective D’Ambola completed a comprehensive traffic study for the intersection of Commerce Drive and Jackson Drive in Cranford. Detective D’Ambola’s study and modifications to the intersection resulted in a 91% reduction of motor vehicle crashes.
This Traffic Safety Specialist Leadership program was first piloted in NJ through the Ocean County Police Traffic Officers Association in February 2016. This year, thirty-two officers were awarded Level 1 Specialist, and five were awarded Level 2 Specialist statewide. Both Detectives D’Ambola and Temple are assigned to the Cranford Police Department Traffic Bureau.
Photo by Cranford Police Department