Troop 23 Scouts March in St. Patrick’s Day Parade

(above) Scouts Christian Skamangas (far left), Matthew Colon (center) and Ethan Triscritti (far right) carry the flags for Boy Scout Troop 23 and Cub Scout Pack 23 of Elizabeth in the Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Union on March 11. Their iconic yellow Webby the Duck banner is carried by Scouts Charles LeFever and Athan Skamangas. Courtesy photo

Scouts March in St. Patrick’s Day Parade


The Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade returned to the streets of Union Township on Saturday, March 11. Organizations marching in the parade, including Irish groups, police and fire departments, elected officials, school bands and pipe and drum bands, and Scouting units, were cheered on by thousands of people lining Morris Avenue and Stuyvesant Avenue.

Boy Scout Troop 23, sponsored by St. Genevieve’s Roman Catholic Church in Elizabeth, has been marching in the Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade since 1998, a year after the parade was first held.  They were back again this year, joined by Cub Scouts from Pack 23.  Wearing their iconic yellow sweatshirts, they were led by a banner depicting Troop 23’s mascot, a duck named Webby.  Webby is equipped and ready to hike or camp, at any time and in any weather.  

The Scouting program instills character, good citizenship and physical fitness in youth through outdoor activities such as campouts and hikes, involvement in community activities, and just plain fun!   Cub Scout Pack 23 and Boy Scout Troop 23 provide activities and training for boys of all faiths, from St. Genevieve’s parish and the surrounding area, from Kindergarten through high school graduation. For more details, please contact Dan Bernier, Scoutmaster, at (908) 451-1948 or

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