Troop 177 court of honor
Submitted by Sheila Sidhu
Boy Scout Troop 177 hosted a court of honor on Monday, December 19th, 2022. A total of 141 merit badges were given to scouts and 24 rank advancements were made, including four Eagles with two Gold Eagle Palms, which only one in 10,000 scouts achieve.
So far, our troop has 23 scouts that have advanced to Eagle Scout. In addition to the rank advancements, for the first time in our troop, a first class scout was given their official troop kerchief in a special ceremony, a new tradition representing their step up in the troop.
The year-long patrol competition came to an end, with the patrol of new scouts taking first place in a stunning victory after the December cabin camping trip. Additionally, those new scouts were each assigned to their permanent patrols in a draft-style ceremony.
Finally, two scouts received the National Outdoor Award for Camping, as well as the NOA Camping Gold.
On the adult leadership front, two new assistant scoutmasters joined, with one more on the way.
Even though winter is here, the troop will have plenty of activities, such as more cabin camping, the Boy Scout Klondike Derby, and skiing.
If you have an interest in Scouting, please contact the Troop 177 Scoutmaster, Jeff Healy atjeffhealy8@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook atMountainsideBoyScouts.com.