(above) Believing that the best way to learn history is to experience it, thirty-one students and 4 chaperones of the Linden High School Civil War Roundtable recently traveled to the Gettysburg National Battlefield Park in Gettysburg, PA. This location was the site of the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, the largest battle of the American Civil War, and President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. This is the ninth year that the club has made the journey and the second year that the students stayed overnight. On Monday June 6th, escorted by Club Advisor Mr. Eric Scheidemann, Mr. Paul Gorski, Mrs. Monica Goncalves, and Ms. Melanie Calatayud, the students toured the town of Gettysburg, the battlefield and the Gettysburg National Cemetery where President Lincoln gave his famous address, they also participated in a walking tour that highlighted the “haunted” history of the area. The students also toured the Gettysburg battlefield. Directed by Mr. Scheidemann, the students visited famous locations on the field such as Cemetery Hill, the Lutheran Seminary, Devil’s Den, and Little Roundtop, all critical areas and scenes of heavy fighting in July of 1863.