Submitted by Carol Goggi
The Mountainside Restoration Committee’s “Tour of Mountainside’s Gardens” will be held on June 9, 2018. The Committee has lined up six extraordinary private home gardens which will be decked out in late-Spring splendor. The tour runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a special Garden Tour lunch planned at the Publick House. Garden fans can start touring in the morning and lunch afterward, or lunch first and tour gardens in the afternoon in any order they wish. A rain date of June 10 is planned.
Garden yards on the tour are specifically themed and will feature uniquely decorated tablescapes, raffle, chicken plop bingo, photo display and refreshments.
Advance tickets for Mountainside’s Garden Tour are $45 for tour and lunch or $30 for tour only and can be purchased online at Limited tickets will also be sold on the day of the tour at each Garden Tour location for $35 for tour and $15 for lunch.
Proceeds from the tour and lunch will be used by the Mountainside Restoration Committee for restoration and maintenance of the historic Hetfield and Levi Cory houses. The Mountainside Restoration Committee (aka, Mountainside Historic Committee) is a 501(c)(3) registered not-for-profit committee of volunteers associated with the Borough of Mountainside whose purpose is to restore and maintain the Deacon Andrew Hetfield and Levi Cory Houses and collect and save historic information and items from destruction. For further information, please call 908-789-9420; or, go to:

(above) A photo album of the 2016 ‘Tour of Mountainside Gardens’ can be found on-line at, Mountainside View page.