Annual Scholarship Social
On January 19, 2023, the Thursday Morning Club (TMC) held its annual Scholarship Social to raise funds for the 2023 Girls’ Career Institute (GCI) and Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Foundation (HOBY) scholarships. 40 TMC members attended the Social, enjoying a light lunch while being entertained by Aideen O’Donnell playing the harp prior to the program.
GCI is an annual program held for three days at Douglass College and sponsored by the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) to give high school seniors an opportunity to participate in ‘mini’ college activities and dorm living. HOBY is an annual three-day seminar of inspiring speakers, skill-building activities, and community service for high school sophomores.
Karen Woo, chosen for the TMC sponsored 2022 GCI scholarship, spoke at the Scholarship Social and noted “GCI was great. Not only did I learn from the various lectures and workshops but also enjoyed the Douglass College campus experience”. Madison High senior, Ella Tucker, was chosen for the 2022 HOBY award. TMC members, Kim Rowe and Aideen O’Donnell, co-chaired the Education Committee, which works with the Madison Guidance Department to choose recipients of the GCI and HOBY scholarships and also hosts the Scholarship Social.
Organized in 1896, the Thursday Morning Club is a non-profit which provides services for Madison and surrounding communities. It owns, operates and maintains the Madison Community House and is a member of the GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC). If you would like to serve the community, make new friends, and enjoy programs and activities, consider joining the Thursday Morning Club; for information about the TMC, call the Community House at (973) 377-0244 or visit www.TMCMCH.org.