TMC George Burroughs Scholarship Available for Madison High Seniors

Thursday Morning Club Offers Scholarship

Submitted by Cathy Gotliffe

The G.F.W.C. Thursday Morning Club (TMC) will be accepting scholarship applications from Madison High School seniors who will be graduating in June 2020. The TMC/MCH George Burroughs Scholarship was started back in 1986 to recognize the importance of volunteerism, good character and academic achievement. The primary focus is on volunteerism, over and above required volunteer service hours for church and school. The applications are reviewed by the Madison Community House Management Committee and are awarded at the Madison High School Senior Awards night.

The scholarship is a one time payment and the amount of the scholarship may vary. The applications must be completed by March 23, 2020 and returned to the Madison High School Guidance Office. An essay of up to 250 words in length on why you chose to volunteer and what you have gained from this experience is required. A letter from the primary volunteer supervisor, as well as your high school transcript is also required in order to have the application processed.

For additional information and questions, please call the Thursday Morning Club’s Madison Community House at 973-377-0244 or email

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