Tina Herron – ALJ’s Unsung Hero
Clark Public Schools
Arthur L. Johnson High School student Tina Herron was recently recognized by Union County School Boards Association as Arthur L. Johnson’s 2023 Unsung Hero, at a ceremony at Kean University. The ceremony honors students who “make your district a better place simply because they are part of it.”
At the ceremony, ALJ Principal Tara Oliveira stated, “Each student at ALJ is challenged during their four years to find their FOCUS (which stands for Future, Opportunity, Character, Unity, Service). Tina exemplifies this vision.” Oliveira spoke of Herron’s desire to become a teacher and involvement in ALJ’s Tomorrow’s Teachers Program to learn, practice, and prepare for her future. She also discussed Tina’s determination as demonstrated through becoming volleyball Varsity Team Captain. She stated, “Tina can be described as having self-discipline, a strong work ethic, and an overall desire to help others reach their fullest potential. These attributes contribute to her success.” Oliveira continued to discuss how Tina leads by example and is an instrumental member of the ALJ Key Club. Tina has worked with the Miracles for Myeloma 5K walk/race, has been a champion for bringing back the Senior Citizen Prom, wrapped presents for a Jenni’s Toys event, a non-profit organization that provides holiday gifts to children in foster care throughout the state of NJ.
Oliveira stated, “Tina never sits back; she approaches each obstacle with a positive attitude and a goal to try her best. We are so proud of her – congratulations to our Arthur L. Johnson Unsung hero, Tina Herron.”